List of political parties in Latvia
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This is a list of political parties in Latvia. Latvia has a multi-party system, where often no one party has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.
Major parties
[edit]The following are parties represented in the Saeima or the European Parliament.
Minor and regional parties
[edit]- Republic (Republika, R)
- Latvian Russian Union (Latvijas Krievu savienība, LKS)
- Alliance of Young Latvians (Apvienība Jaunlatvieši, AJ)
- United for Latvia (Vienoti Latvijai, VL)
- The Conservatives (Konservatīvie, K)
- Action Party (Rīcības partija)
- Awakening (Atmoda)
- Awakening for Latvia (Atmoda Latvijai, formerly For Latvia from the Heart, NSL)
- Christian Democratic Union (Kristīgi Demokrātiskā Savienība, KDS)
- Centre Party (Centra partija)[1]
- For a Humane Latvia (Par cilvēcīgu Latviju, PCL)
- For Each and Every One (Katram un katrai, KuK)
- For Latvia and Ventspils (Latvijai un Ventspilij, LuV) – nationally allied with the Union of Greens and Farmers
- Force of People's Power (Tautas Varas Spēks, TVS)
- Growth (Izaugsme) – part of Development/For!
- Heritage of the Fatherland (Tēvzemes mantojums, TM)
- Honor to serve Riga (Gods kalpot Rīgai, GKR)
- National Power Unity (Nacionālā Savienība Taisnīgums, NST)
- Latgale Party (Latgales partija) – in Latgale; allied with Unity within the New Unity alliance
- People's Servants for Latvia (Tautas kalpi Latvijai, TKL)
- Progressive Christian Party (Kristīgi Progresīvā partija, KPP)
- Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party (Latvijas Sociāldemokrātiskā Strādnieku Partija, LSDSP), part of Union of Greens and Farmers
- Socialist Party of Latvia (Latvijas Sociālistiskā partija, LSP)
- Sovereign Power (Suverēnā vara, SV)
Defunct parties and alliances
[edit]- Popular Front of Latvia (Latvijas Tautas Fronte, LTF)
- Reform Party (Reformu partija, RP) (2011-2015)[2]
- People's Party (Tautas Partija, TP)[3]
- New Era Party (Jaunais Laiks, JL)
- All For Latvia! (Visu Latvijai!, VL) (2006-2011)[4]
- Civic Union (Pilsoniskā Savienība, PS)
- Communist Party of Latvia (Latvijas Komunistiskā Partija, LKP) – banned in 1991
- Democratic Center Party (Demokrātiskā Centra Partija, DCP)
- Daugavpils City Party (Daugavpils Pilsētas Partija, DPP)
- Democratic Party "Saimnieks" (Demokrātiskā Partija "Saimnieks", DPS)
- Equal Rights (Līdztiesība, ER)
- For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK (Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK, TB/LNNK)
- For the Native Language! (Par Dzimto Valodu!)
- Free Choice in a People's Europe (Brīvā izvēle tautu Eiropā, BITE)
- Workers' Party (Darba Partija, DP)
- Honor to Serve Our Latvia (Gods kalpot mūsu Latvijai, GKML)
- Latvian Social Democratic Party (Latvijas Sociāldemokrātiskā Partija, LSDP)
- Latvian National Independence Movement (Latvijas Nacionālās Neatkarības Kustība, LNNK)
- Latvian Nationalists (Latviešu Nacionālisti)
- Latvia's First Party (Latvijas Pirmā Partija, LPP)
- Latvian Way (Latvijas Ceļš, LC)
- National Harmony Party (Tautas Saskaņas Partija, TSP)
- New Centre (Jaunais Centrs, JC)
- New Party (Jaunā Partija, JP)
- Our Land (Mūsu Zeme)
- People of Latgale (Latgales Tauta, LT)[5]
- Popular Movement for Latvia (Tautas Kustība Latvijai, TKL)
- Social Democratic Party (Sociāldemokrātiskā partija, SDS)
- Socialist Workers and Peasants Party of Latvia (Latvijas Sociālistiskā Strādnieku un Zemnieku Partija)
- Society for Political Change (Sabiedrība Citai Politikai, SCP)
- Anti-Centrist Party
- Christian Peasant and Catholic Party (Latgales kristīgo zemnieku un katoļu partija, LKZKP)[6]
- New Farmers-Small Landowners Party (Latvijas Jaunsaimnieku un sīkgruntnieku partija, LJSP)
- United Polish Parties (Apvienotās poļu partijas)
- Committee Of The German Baltic Parties (Ausschuß der Deutschbaltischen Parteien, ADP)
- Christian National Union (CNU)
- Latgalian Progressive Farmers (LPF)[7]
- Polish Catholic Party (PC)[8]
- Progressive Union (PA)[9]
See also
[edit]- ^ "Legal entity". Uzņēmumu reģistra tīmekļvietne. Retrieved 2020-10-19.
- ^ "Latvian Reform Party to be liquidated". The Baltic Course. March 26, 2015. Retrieved June 2, 2016.
- ^ "People's Party, Skele, ride off into the sunset". The Baltic Times. July 13, 2011. Retrieved September 23, 2011.
- ^ "Latvian political parties undergo major upheaval". The Baltic Times. July 12, 2011. Retrieved September 23, 2011.
- ^ "KNAB izbeidz partijas "Latgales tauta" darbību". (in Latvian). Retrieved 2018-07-01.
- ^ Bederke, Paul. "PF - Core Parties". Party Facts. University of Bremen. Retrieved 30 April 2023.
- ^ Bederke, Paul. "PF - LPF (core)". Party Facts. University of Bremen. Retrieved 30 April 2023.
- ^ Bederke, Paul. "PF - PC (core)". Party Facts. University of Bremen. Retrieved 30 April 2023.
- ^ Bederke, Paul. "PF - PA (core)". Party Facts. University of Bremen. Retrieved 30 April 2023.